Snow White One Day Brightener
Snow White One Day Brightener
Snow White One Day Brightener

From dark spots, dark underarms, dull skin to dry and scaly skin, One Day Brightener covers it for you.

Brings hydration back to your skin with all its nature ingredients

Packed with skin loving-niacinamide to hydrates your skin and restores their bounciness

A quick absorb lotion that keeps your skin soft, reduces the appearance of uneven tone, pigmentation, acne scar, or red spot

With pink powder particles, it increases your skin colour to one tone lighter

Works wonderful all over your face and body including sensitive areas such as underarms, neck, and v areas

Yang Anda Dapatkan:
1 Buah Snow White One Day Brightener
1 Buah Masker Wajah Korea
1 File Digital Beauty Jurnal
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Amelia - Depok
Amelia - Depok
Lotion pertama yang benar benar ngilangin bau badan gw. Gak nyesel nyobain
Fie - Batang
Fie - Batang
Body lotion favorit aku. Wanginya enak, kulit lembab dan cerah plus bisa untuk wajah....😍
Fitria - Malang
Fitria - Malang
Madly in love dengan lotion ini. Teksturnya ringan dan cepat menyerap, wanginya tahan sampe 12 jam. Suami bilang sejak pakai ini kulit putihan.
Feeling good ☺. I got a natural white skin the moment I painted it. The texture is not too hard and not too loose, it is a good feeling. I want to repeat again because the package is cute ☺ ︎
You can use the whole body and face. It is perfect for my skin. It becomes brighter, comfortable to apply and get rid of my body odour. I will repeat definitely ‼️
I think it's a royal road product.It is still not powdery and elongation is better than other products. It is easy to use because it is natural white. I mix it in liquid foundation and use it ★
Risky - Semarang
Risky - Semarang
Beli produk ini pertama waktu ke Jepang 2 tahun yang lalu dan sejak saat itu gak bakal ganti yang lain. Dulu kayak banyak bekas gigitan nyamuk di kaki. Tapi sekarang dah samar banget. So happy...
Lenny - Jakarta
Lenny - Jakarta
Buat yang nyari lotion multifungsi wajib coba. Aku suka keringetan habis aktivitas outdoor dan ada masalah bau badan. Sejak pakai ini 3 bulan, kayaknya aku udah gak nyium tuh bau badan gak enak.
Putri - Bandung
Putri - Bandung
Wanginya enak bangettttt. Lembut, mana belinya pas diskon wkwkwkw. Beli karena keracunan selebgram ama seleb tiktok ternyata ada manfaatnya
It was good to buy!The person I followed on the net said that the photo would be so white, so I bought it! So,my skin is black, but I was worried it wont come out good. I bought it by looking at the net, the result was good and it became a beautiful white!(◎ _◎;) I'm too happy... crying you can put your arms out with confidence with this